Winner of Category “English” – Farah Scheik

by admin on December 31, 2009

The most eager amongst the english poet was Farah, she is 18 years of age and she contacted us again and again, asking when would we announce the winners.

The message she  delivers in the last two lines of the poem is the crux of the entire piece. Congrats Farah! WORDS FOR  CHANGE!

“Words Of Our Tears.”
As he thinks of the time he spent in here,
In a land which promised more than words…
It was euphoric when he heard the people cheer,
When their leader gifted them the land of pure.
Remembering how so many lifes were given,
To achieve this land blood has been driven.
And today as he sees the present state of his land,
Tears fill his eyes, this is not what was planned.
This land was made to breathe the air of peace;
Alot was hoped,alot was dreamed…
Crime and corruption was never its aim,
A land of terror was never its name.
Enemies of love, lovers of cruel…
Liars,false claimers..our leaders who rule.
Evil disguised in every flower that blooms,
Nights of the people dunk in terrific gloom.
Murders and crime cover this land;
All this seems like beginning of the end.
Frightened we breathe,our fearful inhales…
Another bomb blast,and sadness prevails.
And the winds may halt,the air might stop…
But giving up is not the answer we’ve got.
The blood of our people will not go in vain!
Together we’ll fight through the weathers of pain.
We’ve slept alot,only words what we claim..
We’ve pointed on others,when we are to blame.
On the name of God,this land which we’ve earned,
It has to be saved, tables have to be turned.
Now its time to show how stronger we are;
We’ll smile through our sorrows, We’ll shine like a star…
United We’ll fight through inhuman bizzare;
With harmony in this place, with peace spread far.
Lets search for the answers,in ourselves which are hidden..
Lets spread pure love, and make this land an Eden.
Lets stop this war, like a dream which may feel…
But We’ll show to the world that Pakistanis never kneel.

{ 5 comments… read them below or Speak your mind! }

Kashif Khaleel January 2, 2010 at 1:16 pm

I am proud of this piece of poetry, finally a sound of hope, a whisper of unity. I hurt at the level of apathy, we the youth and future generations HAVE to decide our identity for our elders have unforunately not done a good enough job.
Love you Pakistan, thanks Farah.

Farah Scheik January 3, 2010 at 2:47 am

Aw thanks alot kashif.. I’ve always tried to write works that speak to souls and bring about a change in the mindsets of people… Your words build a new spirit for me to do more for my country,the least with words.. Thanks again : )

Huma Azim January 4, 2010 at 6:58 am

truly outstanding Farah ! zabardast!

Arsalan Nazim January 4, 2010 at 3:21 pm

فرح نے یہ جو نظم لکھی ہے یہ ہم سب مھببوطن پاکستانیوں کے دل کی ترجمانی کرتی ہے. یہ ملک اسس لئے نہیں بنا کے کفّار کا نظام ہم پر مسسلّط کرا جائے. ہم کو اسلام کی بنیاد پر رہنا ہے اور اسی کے لئے اپنی ذات کی قربانی دینی ہے. خدارا اسس معلق کو رہنے دیں، خدارا ہمکو ہماری مذہب کی بنیاد پر جینے دیں. مجھے پورا یقین ہے کے فرح جیسے بوہت اور سے لوگ یہی سوچ رہے ہیں. الله ہم سب کو اپنے حفظ و امان مے رکھے. پاکستان زندباد، اسلام پیندباد انشاللہ!

Maria Naqvi February 26, 2010 at 10:57 am

from an 18 year old amazing:D

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