"We do not guarantee to change this country,we guarantee to spark the brains that will change this country!"


Musharraf should be tried for treason?

" Words of Change " project underlines the importance of using our literary skills to change mindsets. We aspire to use our pens to bring a silent but meaningful change in attitudes of our countrymen.

Send contributions to: [email protected]


allama iqbal

Zamanay kay andaaz badlay gae 

The ways of world have changed;


Naya raag hai saaz badlay gae

Tune is new, instruments have changed;


Khirad ku ghulami say azaad kar

Free thy mind from mental slavery;


Jawanoo'n ku peero'n ka ustad kar

Make the young masters of the old!

- Iqbal

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Pakistan Youth Alliance is a youth based, youth administered and youth motivated organization which aims to create awareness amongst the youth of Pakistan! It yearns to wake the youth of Pakistan from the sleep of apathy and to help evolve a society where youth lead the change instead of following it!

JOIN US ON facebook group group

 See Videos/Gallery section of this website to gather who we are & what have we done so far


PYA Movie Screening for Orphans



7th delivery of relief items to Swat IDP's

Join the Journey !

Kids from Swat wearing PYA logos

Abdus Sattar Edhi visits the PYA donation camp

Young IDP wearing PYA Tee

Truck with Relief items on the way to IDP camp

Anti-Terrorism Vigil

Struggle for Independent Judiciary

Peace Rally

Swat Relief Campaign

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Pakistan Youth Alliance started in the wake of '07 Emergency Rule, initially organized many youth protests Internationally against tyranny and oppression. It came into being when a group of similar minded youth became fed up with watching the TV screens and dreamt to live the change instead of just proposing it. PYA is the brainchild of Syed Ali Abbas Zaidi. Samad Khurram and Maryam Kanwer are one of the founding members. Its core objective is create mass socio-political awareness amongst the youth of Pakistan, and to channelize their energies in an organized manner to yield actual and practical output that can serve Pakistan. It yearns to bring actionable change in these troubling times of Pakistan!


PYA believes in going back to the very roots for which Pakistan was created. We believe in Quaid’s vision of making Pakistan one of the greatest, progressive and moderate nations of the world. We yearn to fulfill Iqbal's dream and wish to fill in the shoes of all the great men who spent their lives to see the green flag soar above in the skies.


PYA believes in order to make the future of Pakistan bright, youth have to engage in collateral conformation and PYA desires to provide such an unbiased platform to the youth of Pakistan, so that their voices are heard, energies channelized and emotions focused on the noble goal of making the ideology of Pakistan a tangible reality for every single individual.

If you believe, you have what it takes to live the change instead of sitting on your cozy sofas, join us!

Email your resume/contact details at [email protected]


Zamanay key andaaz badlay gae - WE ARE HERE! PYA Video


Click to play

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