PYA | Discussions Board |
Subject :What should we do?.. 2011-01-25 12:58:27 |
spectacularme |
Joined: 2010-12-29 02:03:51
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Forum : General Discussions
Topic : What should we do?
Pakistan is getting worst day by day economically or even if you see security.Now share your ideas about what one person or, we can do to make Pakistan a real PAKISTAN? |
Subject :Re:"SAARI RAAT CRAP".. 2011-01-17 23:28:49 |
coolestbliss |
Joined: 2011-01-17 23:11:57
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Forum : General Discussions
everthing is about the misuse!
no matter what is the situation of our country..these telecom companies are earning nd earning...its a political situation..good or bad..or the flood or earthquake...! bt the point mr. nomi raised was the use of cellular technology at late night nd the companies provoking youth by introducing cheap rates..yeah i totally i agree...bt i would say that! we all know what youth do at late night on these packages...yeah not everybody bt mostly!...but if we use it responsiblly it would matter a lot!...
Subject :Re:Re:Need PYA Shirts?.. 2011-01-02 16:38:25 |
nomi |
Joined: 2009-08-11 06:44:04
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Forum : General Discussions
Topic : Need PYA Shirts?
have a look onlink given above and igure out your size. Contact the email given above.
Shirt Price is Around Rs. 300
[hunain0055 2010-07-23 00:23:08]:
hi guys good work.I also want to join you and want PYA shirt in Lahore and will i charged for it.and contact me....
Hafiz Nauman Yousaf |
Subject :Re:Re:Need PYA Shirts?.. 2011-01-02 16:36:54 |
nomi |
Joined: 2009-08-11 06:44:04
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Forum : General Discussions
Topic : Need PYA Shirts?
Around Rs. 300, depends on size and how you buy it (pick up or order a delivery)
[spectacularme 2010-12-31 05:41:00]:
Can you please mention the price.
Hafiz Nauman Yousaf |
Subject :Re:"SAARI RAAT CRAP".. 2011-01-02 16:35:18 |
nomi |
Joined: 2009-08-11 06:44:04
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Forum : General Discussions
What I see.
If someone need to talk they can talk no matter how expensive it is. If pocket can't afford we can make our conversation to the point and end up with short duration call. On the other hand we can not limit our hunger. What I see since I am using mobile phone, sms was free and only network in GSM was Mobilink but we didn't have any reciepent to send jokes or forward sms. All those who got mobiles were elder family members or businessmen. Then Ufone came and it started charging Rs. 1.5 per sms and Rs. 5 per min plus tax and Mobilink started charging SMS and its rates were higher than ufone and EVERYONE used to afford it (ROTI was Rs. 1.5 then). When Telenor launched its scheme Rs. 0.20 per sms we were feeling it like free and used it alot and we couldn't feel it much but now it came to Rs. 3 per day unlimited so now we are not only using it we are just wasting our time on it. WHAT TYPE OF CONVERSATION IS "ZUBAIDA APA" "MUNNI" "PEPSI" Etc.? now literally we are wasting our time and SOUCH on such things.
so What I see from it that even if we like to communicate with someone special Rs. 0.20 per sms or Rs. 2 per min is not a load on pocket if HE/SHE is really special. cheaper than this is just for forward sms whom sender and receivers are those friends we do not really care about.
If there will be a little tax per sms and per minute (just few paisas) , it will control everything. It will limit our "entertainment" hungry youth. It will help generate some revenew which can be used to give subsidy in essential things like flour, sugar, etc. As I said we can limit our conversation but can't limit our hunger.
Another PROBLEM:
Who will make sure that tax will be used in good cause not just to fill the pockets of politicians? Because if such suggestion will be announced, the companies will try to bribe them who will be going to take decision and that difference will be balanced by inflation.
Last Edited On: 2011-01-02 16:35:18 By nomi for the Reason |
Hafiz Nauman Yousaf |
Subject :Re:Re:Need PYA Shirts?.. 2011-01-02 15:49:11 |
nomi |
Joined: 2009-08-11 06:44:04
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Forum : General Discussions
Topic : Need PYA Shirts?
Yes it will be delivered to your address in Karachi
Charges are estimated Rs. 350 (including delivery ) and will be confirmed when stock will be ready (in Mid Jan) Inshallah
[mohdrafay 2010-05-21 02:22:36]:
Hafiz Nauman Yousaf |
Subject :Re:Need PYA Shirts?.. 2010-12-31 05:41:00 |
Subject :Building Peace in Pakistan.. 2010-12-16 06:47:46 |
jamalhen |
Joined: 2010-12-16 06:15:49
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Forum : Social issues
Topic : Building Peace in Pakistan
I think peace in Pakuistan can be achieved but we need to learn how to talk to one another first. I found this website which is very informative and interesting.
Check it out
Subject :The Fake Reality.... 2010-12-06 19:37:39 |
Asadaj1 |
Joined: 2010-12-06 19:27:16
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Forum : Poetry
Topic : The Fake Reality..
Everyday we try to see the light,everyday we try to touch the sky,but who knows where they are,who knows how to find them,following the path of broken winds,trying to catch a glimpse of that magnificent moment,we roam the streets of our empty ruins,the ruins that in our minds fondle the sky,seeking to find the sanctuary,before our own demise,willing to give up all ,but our lives for that,knowing this tale might never end.so we stay the course,hoping to reach that place,dont know where to go,dont know where we are,we fall down on the earth,praying for the help of YOUR GRACE,we close our eyes and understand,the ruins, the light, the sky,were always just sand,slipping from our palms,the more we try to grab them,like a reality that was never there,so we stand and give up,running straight to the end,but hold on, is there the end i seek,or the door to the heavens that will set me free,not knowing what to do, not knowing where to be,what more of an end could there possibly be,so alas, the lives u live ,the places u want to be,May seem impossible ,but theres a possibility,that u get them, reach them seize them,as all that u want and all that u seek,are much much more than a possibilty,So I beholden the time that u took to read,the next time i write, will be how to set urself free... ;) |
Subject :Perceptions of Democracy in Pakistan.. 2010-11-12 03:57:09 |
ayyssh |
Joined: 2010-11-12 03:39:00
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Forum : Politics & Politicians
Topic : Perceptions of Democracy in Pakistan
hiplz find attached a questionnaire and a consent form this is part of my M.Phil research project "Perceptions of Democracy in Pakistan".plz take time out to fill the questionnaire and help my cause.obliged in anticipation Regards Ayesha Khalid P.S. kindly fill by high light yor responses on questionnaire and mail back at [email protected] |
Last Edited On: 2010-11-12 03:57:09 By ayyssh for the Reason |
Subject :Mobile Prices in pakistan.. 2010-10-23 06:55:57 |
loversboy |
Joined: 2010-10-23 11:51:12
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Forum : General Discussions
Topic : Mobile Prices in pakistan
Mobilegsm.com.pk is Pakistan's top mobile website which covers specification, reviews, pictures, videos, screen savers, wallpapers, themes, software of all mobile sets of all mobile brands in the world. We provide latest market mobile prices in Pakistan. See what are latest mobiles and rates in Pakistani rupees. Mobile prices in Pakistan are updated on daily basis. Buy and sell mobile in by post.
Subject :How can I donate to your flood relief efforts.. 2010-10-19 18:38:26 |
Joined: 2010-10-19 18:33:41
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Forum : General Discussions
Topic : Welcome to pakistan Youth Alliance Forum
I heard about you through "The Story with Dick Gordon" a national radio program in Raleigh, NC, USA. I was impressed with your flood relief efforts. I want to send a donation but your "contact us" link doesn't work. Please tell me where I might send a check. Also, can you use checks from the US? Can you designate the donation to flood relief? Please advise. I'll put this on the forum, since I'm sure others would like to know as well. |
Subject :Re:Welcome to pakistan Youth Alliance Forum.. 2010-10-12 04:49:27 |
Subject :Free Online Education/Diplomas/Study.. 2010-10-09 02:08:28 |
javed121 |
Joined: 2010-10-09 02:03:19
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Forum : General Discussions
Topic : Free Online Education/Diplomas/Study
NewStart Institute is a charitable organization for the advancement of practical job education. We offer FREE training in
Accounting (13 course),
Office Management( 11 courses).
Web Programming (14 courses)
Students get certificates for each course that they successfully complete and receive a diploma once they have successfully completed all of the courses within the discipline.
As of September 2010, we have 28 graduates and 140 students that finished at least one course and on average, each student finished three courses. All of this is for FREE.
We are using automated software and this allows us the following:
- Automate the registration. Students can register 24/7.
- Grading of multiple choice questions. Students can start, study and complete, any course at any time, 24/7 from their home.
- Issuance of certificates is also done on a 24/7 basis and the student receive their certificates immediately after completing the course.
- Our on-line communication team answers students' questions usually in one day.
- Furthermore, all study material for all courses are acquired from reputable, free on line, sources. Therefore, the courses are completely free. Students need not spend any money for the courses and materials.
The fact that most of the work is automated allows us to offer free job training to an unlimited number of students.
please visit our website at www.educationfree.org :
- In the middle of the page you will find information about registration and our courses.
- In the left of the page click on the tab "Graduated Students" for a list of graduated students.
- It is also worthwhile to click on the tab "Letters From Graduates"
Here is an article written by the Ottawa Citizen: http://educationfree.org/dying_mans_last_wish_is_to_help_others_get_ahead.html
Here is the list of the courses that we offer:
- Basic Moodle training
- Success strategies
- Learning Vista
- Microsoft Excel 2007
- Microsoft word 2007
- Microsoft PowerPoint 2007
- Microsoft Access 2007
- Accounting Module 1
- Accounting Module 2
- Quick books
- Soft skills, Management marketing
- Business English
- HTML Tutorial
- HTML Advanced
- JAVA 1
- JAVA 2
Yours truly,
Javed Akhter
Subject :PYA in Sweden and Denmark.. 2010-08-16 02:42:02 |
wahid42364 |
Joined: 2010-08-16 02:07:30
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Forum : General Discussions
Topic : PYA in Sweden and Denmark
Is PYA currently working in Sweden and Denmark? If not then is there any chance or opportunity to promote it there?
Subject :Re:PYA in Canada.. 2010-08-14 23:16:30 |
Hira Qureshi |
Joined: 2010-08-14 22:56:03
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Forum : General Discussions
Topic : PYA in Canada
what about US? I would lyk to join PYA US if there's one here.
Subject :Re:My Thoughts.. 2010-08-14 03:55:27 |
Muhammad Baqar |
Joined: 2010-08-14 08:13:41
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Forum : Poetry
Topic : My Thoughts
Sorry! Not Rational! |
Subject :Re:PYA in Canada.. 2010-08-13 07:14:16 |
PYA Canada |
Joined: 2009-08-31 20:55:09
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Forum : General Discussions
Topic : PYA in Canada
Hey Kumail,
Thanks for your interest in PYA Canada. Yes, our team in Canada are collecting funds from different universities & cities but we don't have any rep from Montreal at the moment. We would love to coordinate w/ PSA there and get some help for our flood relief campaign.
Please email Sana at [email protected] and check out PYA Canada's blog at www.pyacanada.wordpress.com
Looking forward to hear from you and hope that helps :)
PYA Canada Team
Subject :PYA in Canada.. 2010-08-08 17:07:44 |
k_zaheer |
Joined: 2010-08-08 16:50:34
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Forum : General Discussions
Topic : PYA in Canada
Salam all,
I am studying in Montreal, Canada at a University, and I am also an executive officer of the Pakistan Students' Association (PSA) at the university. I needed to know about the contacts of PYA in Canada, especially in Montreal. Are there any?
We are about to start a fund raising campaign for the flood victims of Pakistan, so we wished if PYA could join in. Response from a PYA executive would be highly appreciated.
Thanks and Regards.
Kumail A Zaheer
Subject :Re:University days.. 2010-08-02 11:01:51 |
waseem |
Joined: 2010-08-02 09:58:07
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Forum : Humor & Jokes
Topic : University days
oh really fantastic yaar |
waseem |