PYA is a youth activist organization registered as a non-profit company working in fields of counter-extremism, peace-building, conflict resolution and social welfare. We are non-partisan network; a platform that enables, engages and empowers youth leaders.
We have undertaken number of multi-faceted initiatives in and outside Pakistan including protests for democracy, democratic norms and against extremism; seminars, conferences and workshop trainings, vigils and solidarity walks for victims of terrorism, street theater and other initiatives using street artistic expressions; material relief for victims of terrorism, violent conflicts and natural disasters; social welfare projects for education including rebuilding schools, education for children in jails; projects focusing on women empowerment and skills based trainings.
We were founded during the emergency rule of 2007. We have undertaken 23 campaigns since, successfully done over 175 (till May, 2014) events worldwide reaching out to more than 95,000 families with material relief.& millions in outreach & awareness campaigns.
We have been acknowledged widely in international media and are the only youth organization from Pakistan to have been made a documentary on by Al-Jazeera English as “Pakistan; The New Radicals” (2011). We have also been acknowledged at United Nations’ Headquarters for our flood relief work and also by the Government of Pakistan for our counter-extremism initiatives.
PYA is one of the few non-profits in Pakistan which can boast a youth-leadership.
We have chapters in 13 cities and a pro-active network of youth activists across Pakistan.
We undertake different types of activities and initiatives to fulfill our short term and long term objectives such as those done in the past:
Because Pakistan has a youth bulge of 65% population. These 100+ million youth do not have representation in Government, civil society and community leadership platforms.
- By volunteering, networking and enabling projects
- By donating at:
Account # 01-04-18-20311-714-122720
Title: ‘Pakistan Youth Alliance’
Swift Code: SMBLPKKA
Summit Bank, Blue Area, Islamabad
W: pya.org.pk
F: www.facebook.com/pakistanyouthalliance
Ph: 051-2224848, 03009495157, 03315105916, 03465357271
A: B-5/2, Sughra Towers, F-11 Markaz, Islamabad